Пьер вудман разбудил страстно спящих девушек и грубо отодрал их

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Scene: A Doe In Headlights - Britany is barely 18 and had never made a porn before. Even if she wanted to, it wouldn't have been possible, today is the day she turned 18 years old. She was an adult for all of 8 hours before letting us destroy her. In the beginning she was like a deer in the headlights. Then she alternated between sad because of what she was doing and completely dissociated when it was too much for her to bare, but she had a job to do and she gave up her body in its entirety to do it well. It's a shame that someone wrecked this poor girls self esteem because she looks like a goddess and has the potential to be a big star. Enjoy it, we sure did.

Продолжительность: 5 min
Теги: humiliation polonais
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